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GRI welcomes new governance body members for 2013: Proud to be elected for the Stakeholders Council

?(Source GRI Web Site)

"GRI’s governance bodies – the Board of Directors, Stakeholder Council and Technical Advisory Committee – play a leading role in the development of its Sustainability Reporting Framework, and in deciding GRI’s direction. Each year elections are held for members of these governance bodies, and GRI is pleased to announce the new members of the Board of Directors and Stakeholder Council for 2013".

GRI’s Stakeholder Council members from Business, Civil Society Organizations and Mediating Institutions go through an election process in which GRI’s Organizational Stakeholdersvote. Labor representatives on the Stakeholder Council are appointed by major international Labor organizations.Following the 2012 Stakeholder Council elections, 18 members have been elected or re-elected* for a term on the Stakeholder Council. The members will start their terms on 1 January 2013.

Business constituency:

- Ms. Inés García-Pintos Balbás, Head of Corporate Responsibility and Innovation at CECA, Confederation of Spanish Savings Banks*

- Mr. Ronald Wolfsheimer, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer at Calvert Investments, Inc.

- Mr. Ian Jameson, Chief Advisor: Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Eskom Holdings SOC Limited

- Ms. Sonia Favaretto, Sustainability Officer at BM&FBOVESPA

- Mr. Ron Chung, Manager - Group Sustainability Support at CLP Holdings Limited

- Ms. Hilary Parsons, Senior Public Affairs Manager (Global) at Nestlé S.A.

- Mr. Alberto Andreu, Chief Sustainability Officer at Telefónica S.A.

Read the full information in GRI Press Release

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