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Proud to be included in this list: "50 Business Professors You Should Follow on Twitter"

Yesterday, OnLine MBA published this post: "50 Business Professors You Should Follow on Twitter".

When I open it... I saw my name included! It is an honor to be in the same list than such important names like David Aaker, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Muhammad Yunus, Nouriel Roubuni... Difficult to express in words how proud I felt.

After the first impression, I had the opportunity to read the list in details. And I also realized that IE Business School were able to include 3 of 50 professors in this list, including me: Joe Haslam and Gary Stewart .

An even more: Gary (Director of the Wayra Academy in Spain, a project devoted to help entrepreneurs) and myself (Corporate Chief Reputation & Sustainability Officer) are working for Telefónica, one of the world leaders in the telco sector.

So, good news to start the year. So, an honor to be there. So, a challenge to keep pushing in Twitter. So, a huge responsibility for writing and sharing relevant info with the students and with the Twitter community.

See the full list of "50 Business Professors You Should Follow on Twitter"

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COMENTARIOS2 comentarios
Mariano Blázquez
05 Mar 2012 | Responder
Enhorabuena Don Alberto. Los que hemos pasado por tus manos sabemos que la profundidad y sabiduría de tus palabras te hace merecedor de este reconocimiento. Saludos.
Alberto Andreu
05 Mar 2012 | Responder
Muchas gracias Mariano!


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